Here is a selection of interview questions:
- Why do you want to be a doctor? What do you want to achieve in medicine?
- What do you think being a doctor entails, apart from treating patients?
- What aspect of healthcare attracts you to medicine?
- When you read the [Medical School] prospectus, what appealed to you or interested you in the course here?
- Can you tell me about a significant recent advance in medicine or science? Why has this interested you?
- What do you consider to be important advances in medicine over the last 50 / 100 years?
- What are the arguments against fluoridation of water supplies?
- What’s going to happen to dentistry over the next 10 years?
- If a benefactor offered you a huge amount of money to set up a Medical Research Institute and invited you to become its director, what research area would you choose to look at, and why?
- What does the word empathy mean to you. How do you differentiate empathy from sympathy?
- What is your understanding of the demands of a dentistry practice?
- What do you guess an overweight person might feel and think after being told their arthritis is due to their weight?
- Tell us about a group activity you have organised. What went well and what went badly? What did you learn from it?
- What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of nurses replacing doctors as the first contact person in primary care?
- What is the difference between tooth erosion and tooth decay?
- How would you carry out a root treatment?
- What ways of working and studying have you developed that you think will assist you through medical school? What will you need to improve?
- Tell us two personal qualities you have which would make you a good doctor, and two personal shortcomings, which you think you, would like to overcome as you become doctor?
- What makes a good working relationship?
- Tell me about preventative dentistry?
- What is gingivitis?
- What problems are there in the NHS other than the lack if funding?
- Should dental treatment be free on the NHS?
- How do politics influence health care provision? Is it inevitable?
- What does the term ‘inequalities in health’ mean to you?
- What issues should be considered in deciding to terminate or not continue a patient’s life-sustaining treatment?
- What experiences have given you insight into the world of medicine? What have you learnt from these?
- Tell me about a project, or work experience, that you have organised, and what you learned from it?
- During your work experience, did anything surprise you?
- Is it better to give health care or aid to impoverished countries?
- You have one liver available for transplant, but two patients with equal medical need. One is an ex-alcoholic mother with two young children, the other a 13 year old with an inborn liver abnormality. How would you decide to whom it should be given?
- A man refuses treatment for a potentially life-threatening condition. What are the ethical issues involved?
- Imagine a world in 200 years' time where doctors no longer exist. In what ways do you think they could be replaced?
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